Tag Archives: dogs

The Heart Knows

The Heart Knows

“The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of…we know the truth not only by the reason, but by the heart.”—Blaise Pascal

As I walked Miles one cold Sunday afternoon recently at our favorite park, I was pondering my career and life. This is nothing new as the hamster wheel of what to do next spins constantly in my brain. I was feeling chipper and relaxed as I meandered with my big black dog. The sun popped out which is always so welcome in winter. The timing was cosmic, however.

I paused as we crossed the bridge to the main entrance to admire the view when I spied the heart-shaped rock in the middle of the stream. I’d made this trip dozens of times, but never before had I seen this gem peaceful amid the flowing waters. As I studied the scene, I noticed mini rapids flowing toward the heart positioned smack in the middle of the stream. Then I saw that the water surrounding the rock and beyond was calm, serene. The long bend of the stream was an elegant and subtle twist with the beauty found only in winter grays and browns of slumbering trees and tall grasses.

It occurred to me that this scene is a metaphor for my own journey. I’ve come through a rocky period in the D’Ag family in 2018. Death, job transitions, legal battles, bodily conditions out of control. It wasn’t all rough water—there were weddings and family celebrations aplenty. Freedom to explore my interior landscape and where I want to go next in the land of earning money, and just plain joy in the journey time.

What seemed suddenly revealed to me was the wisdom nature’s heart talisman offered. I often repeated to my sons they will never go wrong if they let their heart lead them to their happiness. Once you accept that simple, inescapable fact, you hit smooth waters. There is adventure waiting if you follow your heart as it points the way to your greatest path of joy.

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For Fenway, A Love Letter

For Fenway, A Love Letter

Dear Fenway,

It is the sixth day since you crossed the rainbow bridge. It never occurred to me you would go on this adventure so soon. I imagined us growing into senior years together. Your slick, incredibly shiny black coat would slowly show the gray hairs of time’s passage. I inspected you often scouting for the changes. Only three hairs on the spot above your left brow. There was one, and then this past year two more arrived. You were barely five. I would have continued bragging rights to your youthfulness. Most people assumed you were a puppy because of your prance and curiosity.

Our peaceful spot.

Our peaceful spot.

You and me buddy. Bonded in a way as no other dog has ever touched my heart. Girl was special, as was Rosie. And long ago my Smudge. Yet you, and only you knew my soul. No matter what I was going through in life, you always stood by me. Your brown eyes filling me so deeply with your love. You heard my less than charitable rants over what I thought were important at the time. You patiently listened, head cocked just so, deciphering the words you knew from our time together. Your body wags to let me know, Read the rest of this entry

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Halloween, Halloween, this is Halloween. All hail the pumpkin king!

Come little children, it’s time to play

We D’Agostinos love Halloween! It is hands down our favorite holiday. We had such fun creating magick in our little plot at 201 Miles. T made a witch’s castle one year as a surprise for us all. And a graveyard complete with wooden headstones and campy sayings. Ghosties swung from the trees, wooden characters made by my Dad stood guard. In the side yard, our towering scarecrow sported a necklace of  orange lights and creepy satin green hair. She would billow with the wind, face in a permanent twisted screaming grin. Read the rest of this entry

Life is better with a Toto.

Life is better with a Toto.

Dorothy had Toto. I have Fenway—our big black lab mix—my canine BFF and current doggy love of my life.

Fenway loves the sun!

He roamed the streets of Oneida landing in Wanderers’ Rest in Canastota in  2010 with the name Smiley. On the first day of spring that same year we had helped our last dog, 14-year-old Rosie the Amazing Wonder Puppy (also from WR) cross the rainbow bridge. To say we were heartbroken is an understatement. We foolishly said prior to her passing we would never get another dog. But, once a dog comes into your heart, you are forever changed. Plain and simple, we’re dog people. I asked Rosie in the great beyond to send us a new friend who would never replace her, but could keep us happy. Enter Smiley…

On the day we picked up Rosie’s ashes, T asked if we wanted to visit the shelter–just to look. I can hear you readers saying, sure…just to look. But I had already ‘looked’ on the website and saw this handsome boy with incredibly white teeth and huge grin. Maybe he was the one…

My list was specific. Our new pupper had to love other dogs and want to play. Had to love people and kids. Enough energy to keep us fit but enjoy rest. Love cats Read the rest of this entry